Thursday, April 15, 2010

Earth Day Celebration in Salida - April 22

The Central Colorado Foodshed Alliance (CCFA), and the Greater Arkansas River Nature Association (GARNA), are partnering to host an Earth Day Celebration in Salida.

A short film, sponsored by the CCFA, Coming Home, by the EF Schumacher Foundation, will be shown at 7:30 PM.

Local projects, ideas and businesses, will be featured at the celebration. Local energy projects, alternative currency, local farms, CSAs, farmer's markets, farm education projects, land trusts, a nature association, a foodshed alliance, greenhouses, a bioregional magazine and Transition Town will be some of the featured projects.

It will be held at the Community Center, April 22, 6:30 PM - 9 PM. The cost is free, however, a donation will be appreciated.

Please attend and celebrate our locavore living on Earth Day, 2010.

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