Friday, May 6, 2011

Support "Local Foods" Bill Today!!


The 'Local Foods, Local Jobs' Act (SB11 - 258) has passed the Senate but your help is needed to help it pass through the State House! Your support and action is needed as soon as possible to pass SB11-258 and increase consumer access to local, value-added goods, boost local economies, and increase the physical health of the people of Colorado while bringing communities together.

You can help by calling & emailing your Representatives, and encouraging friends and family to do the same. The process is quick & easy!

1) Find your state rep and their contact information by entering your address on this website:

2) What you can say when you call & email (please feel free to personalize the message)

Hello, my name is ______ and I am from ______. I am calling to support the 'Local Foods, Local Jobs' Act (SB11-258) that will be coming up for a vote shortly.

This bill will:

  • Support entrepreneurs and encourage job growth
  • Allow consumers the freedom to purchase products made with quality ingredients grown by local farmers
  • Promote Colorado agritourism
  • Allow local growers to be more profitable by utilizing surplus production

Please support for this bill when it comes up for your vote.


More information on this bill:

This bill makes it easier for local food growers to sell baked goods, jams and jellies, spices, and dehydrated fruits and vegetables to Colorado families. It also boosts entrepreneurial opportunities and increases the availability of fresh, nutritious foods.

While expanding access to local foods,
Senate Bill 11-258 also maintains important safety standards such as extensive labeling regulations and requiring products to be sold by growers directly to consumers on farms, at farmers markets, or through Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) organizations.

To read a copy of the bill, Click Here or paste your browser

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for posting this info...I will call as well as send an email to our representatives. This is so important to local producers and their ability to create a local food economy that supports them.